Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Nifty Blog Site

In the world of bloggerdom, there are just so many different sites to see and read that it can be overwhelming and a tad bit of a sensory overload. But my newest site is by far the most interesting in the realm of TRULY NIFTY THINGS. is a website for gadget-minded women. Okay, I originally thought "geek girls" but they've got some really interesting things posted.

The Anna Sui Samsung phone didn't do any wonders for me (a cell phone charm & lip gloss!) but I was highly intrigued by The Bottom Reformulator. (you'll just have to check out And then there was FemDefence. A truly novel concept.

I'm hooked. So go ahead, link when you wanna. It's over there on the right hand side of my Favorite Sites.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

i also like