Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Lasting Impression

Per Kristen, her little shy girl includes me nightly (still!) in her evening prayers. "She runs through a short list of people for God to bless and "Miss Adrienne" always makes that list. " It seems that her grandparents don't even make the list but once a week!

I truly was touched at K's email. It's been almost 4 weeks since I've visited Minnesota. I'm more impressed that she still remembers me! That little girl tickled me with her shyness and then her opening up to me while I was there. I don't truly believe Kristen that she's shy!

Besides, I'm going with my theory that children have a closer line to God and if she's praying for me then there's a greater chance The Big Guy is listening closely. My friend Destiny believes otherwise, that He listens to us all equally, but I can't discount that if shy girl is praying for me, that I've got an "in".

**just kidding - I actually believe that God listens to all of us equally. It's just that during this enduring year I've had, I'll take any extra intervention I can get!

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