The photos are of Minnehaha Falls, Hockey game, Roses from a garden, boats on Lake Calhoun.
A big THANK YOU! to Kristen and family for such a good time. I absolutely enjoyed getting to visit and made a new friend. The shy girl apparently isn't so shy! I played with My Little Ponies and Barbie stuff. Kristen and I had a "girl night" and we went to the Mall of the Americas and rode the rollercoaster rides! Many times! The only ride I wouldn't ride was "The Ax". It went upside down and round and round. I didn't feel like puking all over Kristen so I passed on it. I enjoyed the hockey game even though I don't know a lick about the game. Hockey cracks me up. It seems I like violence and enjoy a good bruising and fight between players.
However, I don't think I'll be visiting during the winter months. Apparently, they say it SNOWS! Extreme weather. No thanks!
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