Sunday, December 11, 2005


I came home last night after a 12 hour family ordeal in Gatesvlile (which, by the way, turned out much better than I could have ever expected) to find out that Oscar was favoring his front left paw. I've done a cursory once-over (as much as he'd let me) to see if I could find anything visually wrong. He wasn't happy to let me view his paw, and today he's favoring it, but still walking around the house like it's no big deal. But the big thing I realized was that he's lost his collar! I've scoured the back yard and cannot find it. He used to do this more when he lived with Joanne as a symbol of his quest for independence, but I think my kitty got himself into a spot of trouble yesterday while I was away. Needless to say, he's been glued to my side today making sure that wherever I am, he's my shadow.

If only my miscreant could talk!

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