Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sad Goodbye

Yesterday, I took the Christmas tree to Zilker Park to get recycled into mulch. It was kinda sad taking it to be compost. I have to hand it to Austin though. Definitely a green, recycling kind of city. And if I thought I would have a hard time finding where in Zilker Park the Christmas Tree recycling campaign was, all I needed to do was follow all the other recyclers who had trees on top of their yuppie gas-saving vehicles. I was the only person with their tree actually inside the SUV. So I followed everyone and zipped right in and zipped right out less than 2 minutes treeless.

En route to Zilker Park, I was sad. You know, like dropping off a good friend at the airport that you aren't going to get to see again. So the whole way down MoPac I reassured my tree that it was glorious, beautiful, and one of the best parts of the traditional Christmas decorating. My tree did a good job this year, and I made sure to tell it.

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