Thursday, March 09, 2006

I think I’m going to throw up

I do not normally make my blog a forum for my political beliefs, which by the way are VERY middle-of-the-road conservative. But I think that the new law passed by South Dakota forbidding abortion at any time, including when it may be rape or incest, is just enough for me to become nauseous. We all know that this issue is going to hit the Supreme Court, it’s just a matter of time & money. Which, in the news reports I’ve been reading, depending on the bias of the writer being either pro-life or pro-choice, both sides are gearing up for a fight, and money is being promised and/or donated to “fight the cause”, whoever’s cause it is.

But this political thing has me thinking. Could this be a reason for pro-lifers to smite down Roe vs. Wade? Really test the abortion principle, and of course force it on the rest of us? Or could this be a setting up of our current Supreme Court with 2 newly appointed members who claim to be ultra-conservative (i.e., pro-life)? I wonder what the real political motives are here and if We the People are trying to force an issue that is extremely divided? I just don’t think that this issue is going to cause it to be an All or Nothing opinion, and the Supreme Court will most likely look at this for “The Greater Good”, which who benefits for this greater good?

My stance on abortion is that I’m pro-choice. I firmly believe in my rights (as an adult) to make my own choices. I’ve a different opinion for minors or children. Hey North Dakota, here comes South Dakota to have abortions. You’re just forcing women to go elsewhere, beyond state lines. And for determining when a fetus is viable, I’m not anywhere able to make that decision with no medical background, but I do know that it’s more shameful to bring a child into this world unwanted with no want for responsibility of it.

1 comment:

Doggie Bloggie said...

Amen Sista!!!!