Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Cat Scratch Fever

I'm a bad cat owner. Last week, Oscar and a neighbor cat got into a screaming match. When I let him back in, he just stalked to the bedroom with a pissy, disgusted look. Then on Wednesday, lethargic. However, on Thursday, he was back to his old self. But Thursday night, I did a quick check on him and found an abscess bump. I called the vet, and since he was still eating & drinking water, we both weren't too concerned. So I took him in Monday. And apparently, my cat is SICK. The abscess needed to be treated earlier, and he's running temperature of 104. The normal temperature is about 100-102. Poor thing, he just didn't tell me.

So, Oscar got an antibiotic shot, and then sent home with antibiotics to take twice daily. (yeah - that's fun. Ever tried to give a cat a pill? It's hell, so get drops. Not much easier, but a little less painless for both of us.) And back we go tomorrow for a check-up. If the antibiotics are doing their job, then no abscess to drain. If not, well, I'm glad I'm just dropping him off tomorrow morning. But, he's already been shaved, on his chest, and hopefully it will grow back soon.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

the poor honey... hope everything's okay. try not to get your eyes scratched out!