Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sk8ter Gyrrl

Yes - here it is - evidence that I was on rollerskates. No laughing out loud please.

Included in these pics are Tari, her sister & niece. As you can see from my photo, I've just found my inner balance. At one point, my arms were flailing and I pulled a muscle in my collarbone. I only fell down once.

Several things cracked me up about this experience:
1. I never could skate as a kid, why did I think I could as an adult 20+ years later?
2. The website that showed Skateland's roller rink was better in picture than in reality. No A/C, water damaged roof, and linoleum floor.
3. Rollerskates, not inline skates, are now called "quads". Yeah, I'm cool.
4. My Cinderella white skates. At least they matched my skin color. Can you say Dorothy Hamill? I know this is roller, not ice, but I had her hairstyle when I was 9. What year? You do the math.
5. Rollerskating is tiring. I was beat within 10 minutes. I almost got knocked over by several pipsqueaks who made it a game to play "chicken" with me. Guess what - this adult ain't moving, so go around me!

Special thanks to Sweet T for these pics from her blog.

1 comment:

Steph said...

You had me until " A/C..."