Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Could Be Anywhere

As I'm in my hotel room in Herndon, VA I decided to venture out for dinner. Since I'm on the healthy eating plan, I decided to do Applebee's since they have the WW meals.

On my 5 mile trek to the shopping surbuban mecca this side of the Potomac, I realize that I truly could be anywhere. I could be in the Arboretum. I could be at Gateway in Austin. I could be at La Frontera. But, no, I was actually in Sterling, VA.

Petsmart. Target. Lowe's. Wal-Mart. Applebees. Red Lobster. Ethan Allen. Outback. Regal Cinemas. I could go on and on and on and on.

The only difference is here the sales tax is lower, but the state income tax is higher.

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