Friday, September 01, 2006

I Spy

My last training class ended early in Herndon, VA. So I thought, hoped, innocently believed, that I could get to the International Spy Museum at least by 5pm. The Spy museum closes at 7pm, so I thought at least 2 hour tour would be enough for me to see what I want to see.

I think I finally buy into that DC conspiracy theory. After 30 mins on the toll and I-66W, and then getting a Metro card and taking the subway to the Metro Center, walking in circles because I forgot how to count & alphabetize (The museum is located at 7th & F St), I finally make it looking at 5:30. Yes - about an hour to get to my final destination. There really is no good reason than TMP (too many people) in the Metro area. And I swear - I didn't even "rush". I mean, I hurried, but not like an insane driver with someplace to go.

So, I decided to not do the hour and 45 minute tour since I might have been squeezed for time. God forbid. So instead, I went to the Museum Store and bought a magnet I felt quite appropriate to my situation: "I was never here".


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