Sunday, January 13, 2008

2008 Vacation Plans

April: Seaside, FL; 2nd annual Tucker Family Inks Lake Camping trip; Viva Las Vegas
May: looks like Korea & China fell through.
June/July: Yellowstone. Haven't been since 1981.
Aug/Sept: Possibly Boston/New England/Canada. Eh? What's that aboot? I've never been to Montreal. Plus, I need to use the passport at least yearly. Just my personal goal - let's not get all crazy and call that a New Year's resolution.

The Korea/China thing depends on David's uncle taking the Iraq tour of duty. If he stays in Korea, he comes home in 3 yrs. Iraq, then it's immediately after 1 year of tour. There's gotta be hazard pay in there, right?

I'm holding out for Spain depending on Yellowstone dates. I'd like to go somewhere in May.

2008 is looking to be pretty active already. Book me now while you can!

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

i'm hurt you didn't even mention your trip to see moi.