Saturday, January 12, 2008

Itch Free in 1999

That was my New Year's Resolution for 1999. I was living in Charleston, SC and was experiencing a rash of some sort down my torso and legs. After a dermatological visit, and a skin test, it came to be that I'm allergic to latex & nickel. Before the comments start coming at me about latex, you dirty minded kids oughta get your thoughts out of the gutter - I was reacting to pantyhose. Sure enough, I come home for Christmas 2 weeks, no pantyhose to be worn, and I'm almost my own self. Anytime I wear the hated contraptions, my skin crawls. But I usually endure an 8-hr day of wearing tights in the winter. Thank god Austin is seriously casual for business attire.

So, imagine my amazement when I didn't react to my bandages on my stitches. THESE are the best invention, but made with latex. However, after a week of wearing them, only to take them off to clean my wound, the tell-tale bumps of my allergy showed up. I'm not sure why it took a week, but I've got blistery, itchy bumps all over my right hand. I guess I should have gotten the latex-free ones, but I didn't see them at my Walgreen's. I figured "everything would be okay".

Now I guess I will hope to be Itch Free in '08...

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