Sunday, February 03, 2008


Today's thoughts:

1. Are you supposed to use a knife or spoon to get strawberry preserves onto your toast? I'm confused. A knife doesn't get out enough, but a spoon keeps some of the good stuff from getting it all out on the toast.

2. At what time should I NOT go to HEB on a Sunday? I thought that 3:30pm would be okay. It wasn't. Almost had a panic attack. TMP. Too many people. Touching me, running over me with their carts & their cars in the parking lot.

3. Household repairs seem to happen all at once. If things happen in threes, what's next? Need to call a handyman to grout both bathrooms as well as the food disposal has some issues and is leaking under the kitchen sink. Please let it all be fairly inexpensive.

4. Why don't they show good television on the other networks when the Super Bowl is on? Didn't watch it this year. Only watch if invited to a party where I can eat fake cheese melted with salsa & a cold beer in my hand.

5. So if no good TV, why no good movies? Even the Academy Award nominations don't interest me.

Well, that's enough for today. Beware of tomorrow.


Steph said...

1. Chad is all spoon; I'm knife

2. NEVER go to a grocery store 1.5 hours before the Superbowl

Frank Butterfield said...

You can lick the spoon before putting it in the sink.

Frank Butterfield said...

Forgot to add: I checked the cards and your third household issue will be... changing a light bulb. Isn't that easy??