No, not me, and not the other index finger.
Oscar either left the perimeter of the backyard or a dog got in. He didn't come home Sat night which had me really worried. Found him Sunday morning behind the garden shed. He wouldn't come to me, meow at me, or even look at me. Had to go behind the shed to get him and pick him up when I realized he was hurt.
1 1/2 hours at ER vet clinic. He had to stay to get stitches in 2 locations. Got home, and he's pretty much stayed inside my closet in the bathroom. Has a pet collar to prevent him from getting to the stitches, which he has already pulled out 1 stitch before I had to put some tough love on him and force him to wear the collar. He's already pulled it off his head.
The good news is that he's eating, drinking, using kitty litter. The bad news is that I'm off to DC Friday, return to Austin late Wedn, and then off to New Orleans Thurs afternoon next week. And Hurricane Ike has his eye on TX. GREAT timing.