Last night was a long night. I was awakened no less than 3 different times by scratching sounds in the kitchen, with Oscar staring intently at the kitchen sink cabinet. So, since James set a trap behind the washer and dryer, which has not been released thereby proving no sign of the rat in that side of the house. Since there has been no confirmation of rat freedom, then I still have to assume that it's cohabitating rent-free in the house. And the kitchen is as good a place for a rat to be as any other. And I decided (in my logical way) that if they sell rat traps for the general public, and since (I believe) I am smarter than the general public, that I should be able to read the instructions and set the rat trap. So I did, and actually got it placed strategically on the side/back end of the refrigerator.
Yes, I was scared.
Yes, I set it off.
Yes, I hurt myself. My right hand ring finger to be exact.
The rat bait of choice you see is peanut butter. I'll never be able to look at JIF creamy PB the same way ever again.
Keep your fingers crossed that the trap goes off in the night. And that it does not wake me up and enables me to have a nice restful sleep.
Because no, I don't know what I'm going to do with the body of the dead rat. I'll figure that out when/if it happens. First things first. Like getting the trap set.
1 comment:
OMG we are living parallel lives!!!
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