Sunday, May 08, 2005

Pantry Invasion

At first, it was a rat. Now - it's weevils.

I've seen them randomly around the kitchen. James' words of wisdom were "they come from one of the houseplants." NOT. I encountered my first group in an open package of crackers. Didn't have those for lunch.

Then, this morning, a floater in my cereal. Disgusting.

And the straw that broke the camel's back - They. were. in. my. CREAMER. UGH! Thankfully, they decided that even though 9 out of 10 weevils prefer Cofeemate Light Creamer, they do not prefer Vanilla flavored. The coffee was spared.

So, now I've got to clean out my pantry and clean, clean, clean. Thank god for the 'net. I've found the best advice yet that is chemical-free. I need to clean out my dry goods, vacuum out the pantry, and then clean with soap and water. And then start investing in plastic sealable cartons.

Home ownership. So much more than paying the mortgage and cutting the lawn.

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