Thursday, June 23, 2005

Joyous Revelry

I am sitting smack dab in the middle of the happiest city in the world. That would be San Antonio. You know, home of The Spurs, who just beat Detroit in the 7th playoff game of the NBA season. 81-74 was the final score.

I am alone sitting on my bed in the Holiday Inn on the Riverwalk - 14th floor. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any sleep tonight. When checking in, they advised that if San Antonio won this game, there would be plenty of reveling and celebration. Well, they were correct. I just took amateur video with my digital camera of about 12 mins of solid horn honking, screaming, traffic, and even some fireworks. It's still going on. And this has been almost 30 mins.

It is exciting being in a city that is so revved about winning a basketball game. From my 14th floor balcony, while I'm clutching at the railing, doing everything to NOT look down (which, by the way, I have a fabulous view of the Riverwalk), I can see every car that looks like it's coming from the basketball arena. It's quite amazing to see the support and celebration that is going on right now from my vantage view of the Riverwalk.

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