Sunday, June 05, 2005


Today was one of those days I had time to myself to just piddle around the house and get those little things done. Like...changing the lightbulbs in my hallway, bedside lamp, and bathroom. Tear down my TV box so I can throw it away in the trash. Plant care. Cat care. You know, the small stuff.

While I'm piddling around the house getting these things done, it appears that this is when ideas seem to make their way up from the deep, dark recesses of brain matter, and pop out suddenly with no real reason as to why my brain let loose of these ideas. So instead of losing these ideas, I thought I'd write about them.

1. I'd like a second car. Now, this isn't new, just something that continues to make itself known in those "Needs vs. Wants" scenarios. I want a convertible. I'd like a Mercedes coupe (red), but my smaller needs dictate the monetary scenario of the new Pontiac Solstice (silver). Do I really need a second car? Yes, but no. No, but yes. The internal debate rages on.

2. I'd like to go on vacation. A REAL vacation. You know, where rest & relaxation are on the bill? Regardless of the current bad media press of Aruba and the girl from Mountain Brook, Birmingham, Alabama, I'd like to visit Aruba. A resort with sand, sun, and cute cabana boys bringing me a refreshingly cold icy adult beverage. Several.

3. I'd like to go on vacation. So if Aruba isn't in my monetary best interests, how about New York City? I'd love to see the Big Apple. Take in a true, honest-to-goodness on-Broadway show. See the Statue of Liberty. Skyscrapers. Subways. Manhattan. Central Park. Buy cheesy souvenirs and bring them back home to everyone.

4. Beach house. Oh how I'd love to have all the money in the world. I'd buy that second home on the beach. Just so I could get away. And maybe take a vacation with rest & relaxation.

5. Hire an interior decorator. If you've visited my house, you know why. Sure, it's home. But it needs STYLE!

6. Bicycle. Make that plural. So I can ride around Town Lake and drag a friend along.

7. Landscaper. Have you seen the asian ivey that has taken over the world, I mean, my front yard?

8. Winnebago. I want to see the nation. Because campers are way friendlier than people who fly. Plus, I dig that efficient use of space.

9. Fingernails. I've GOT to quit biting my nails. I'll quit biting them later. Maybe.

10. Manicure/Pedicure. That ties in with all the money in the world and quit biting my fingernails. I need to find a local hair salon that doesn't call themselves a "day spa", ergo charging outrageous prices. Or one of those nail shops in a box. I need to gossip and talk to someone in English. Like my debutante friend from Birmingham (who lives in Mountain Brook, by the way) used to say: "Therapy is a bottle of wine with a manicure and a pedicure." Right on, sister.

So...that's it for today. I've exhausted my brain thoughts. Maybe since I've written these down, they will actually come true.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

if you're getting the convertible for the name, okay, of course mercedes SOUNDS better. but the pontiac looks so much sleeker. at least, to me.