Saturday, October 22, 2005

Halloween IS Scary!

It's scary just how much Halloween candy I can eat!

I've gotten into the spooky spirit of Halloween this year. I was inspired by a Bunco friend of mine. Sheila had us over this month for Bunco and requested that we dress up in costume. I came up with my costume (I can't tell what it is because it's a surprise at work!) and have cracked myself up getting it together. I can't stop laughing about it. I've even tried it on - fell over laughing, and the special few I've told what it is also have laughed! Yes - I'll post pics closer to October 31!

Yesterday, I helped Destiny decorate the office. Today, I started my "collection" and bought a few things for the front porch of the house as I expect trick or treaters this year. I'll be in full costume regalia when I open the front door! It's actually tickled me some to decorate. It reminds me of the mid-70s when Joanne used to have a yearly Halloween party at the Bookstore. Every year I was an original idea: a witch. She used to have dry ice, costume themed party, decorations, and every kid in town coming to attend. One year (there's even a photo!) Joanne had mask that was JUST AWFUL and scared all the kids. It was pretty scary, and not something you'd expect. She's supposed to be a good witch, right?!?

So I hope she's up there looking down and being proud of my early efforts. Like I said it wasn't just her inspiring me to celebrate, but also Sheila whose house was just wonderful to visit. I'm hoping to score some of the after-Halloween sales and start expanding my collection. It'll be a fun tradition to start.

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