Monday, January 02, 2006

2005 Design Award

Goes to.....

The Travis County Tax Assessor's office for designing a much better vehicle registration sticker.

I just (attempted) to remove my 2005 vehicle registration sticker. Thank GOD for the inspection sticker that they have to remove and replace. The registration sticker is the anti-christ, and severely resists removal. Once scored with a razor, it comes off in itty-bitty sticky pieces, and leaves some smudge glue residue on the windshield. I was seriously contemplating writing a letter to my Congressman to have the next Legislative session review the creation of better deisgned vehicle registration stickers.

So imagine to my delight when I placed my new 2006 sticker on the windshield, that it has been redesigned for future easy removal. I bless the creator of this design and all their children, their children's children and beyond. I kiss the ground you walk on - and when December 2006 rolls around and I need to replace it with my 2007 sticker, I will be eternally grateful.

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