Sunday, July 30, 2006

Birthday Happening

This wonderful quality cell phone photo is proof that I was at the Kelly Clarkson concert in Houston. Steph & Lori were able to keep it secretive that my birthday event was to take me to Houston, have a late lunch with Tari, and see KC in concert. Steph began the event with a birthday poem which had a clue. The poem was set to KC's lyrics "Behind These Hazel Eyes", which referenced several possibilities of a b'day event. I guessed that it was to see KC in concert, but I misread her tour dates and thought it was for San Antonio. What I didn't read was that S.A. was cancelled and Houston was Saturday's concert. When I guessed, Steph advised that I was half right - it was a concert, but not at Verizon Wireless. I WAS SO CLOSE! I'm not good at guessing anyway, so I didn't even try to guess anymore after that one futile attempt.

Things to note about the concert: We were the median age for the mommies taking their 8 year olds to the concert. Also, no reason to dress up "cute" because any potential males were under 21, and it was Really?!? Houston in July? Hot & humid? Also, we spent 23 bucks for 2 beers & 3 waters. That was the extent of our beverage intake. Plus, the 3 mile roundtrip walk to and from the concert in the mass of humanity. Note to the bigwigs at Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion: better crowd management. We got to the concert as the opening band was ending and there was NO WHERE on the lawn to park it. Steph squatted down in a 1'x1' square and we didn't budge.

But the day was well worth the drive time I spent with Steph & Lori catching up. So often it seems that we're getting together on the fly, when we can, with not much time to spend with each other. Just reminds me that spending a girl weekend regardless every year is pretty much necessary to my health & wellbeing.


1 comment:

Steph said...

Whaaat? No snide comments about how the Conroe Band Booster Club (parents) worked the concessions? And worked them S.L.O.W.L.Y? I want full credit for the fact that I stood in line for 30+ minutes waiting for a mediocre, overpriced beer poured by Johnny-how-do-work-this-tap-again Booster parent..

Still tons of fun! ...but methinks we're getting a tad too old for 24 hour turnarounds like that one!