Friday, July 28, 2006

New Age Musings

As I'm turning another year older, not sure that it includes "another year wiser", I've been doing some thinking. Ponderings. Musings. Brain manipulations.

These are some of the things I've been thinking about in lieu of my birthday.

-Try not have your birthday and your period be in the same week. I've been confused all week as to whether I need to laugh or cry. Watching Oprah helps me cry, but laughing uncontrollably scares me. I haven't really had anything good to laugh about this week, so the laughs are rare.

-Being 36 really isn't a big deal. However, my mother is freaking out. It's a little unbelievable that she was in labor a mere 36 years ago. I'm getting to the old fogey years where the days and events either fly by, or couldn't get done with fast enough. That being said - where did April go?

-Don't schedule your yearly physical around your birthday either. Good news: My cholesterol levels came down from last year. Bad news: My blood pressure was up slightly. Good news: I've lost 11 lbs since my last visit in April. Bad news: My thyroid is underactive. New word for the day: Hypothyroidism. Kids, do your research and tell me what it means.

-Try not to put your cat in surgery the days surrounding your birthday. I'm experiencing regret because he had a major tooth extraction today, and I'm afraid how it's going to affect his kitty ego. I have the tooth in my possession to put under his pillow for the Kitty Tooth Fairy. He's not getting any money, since it cost me $300 for his vet visit today. He will be, however, getting antibiotics and pain meds every 12 hours.

-Make sure you have friends in your life to wish you Happy Birthday. They make it important for you because my family has no idea that my birthday is Saturday, July 29. I have no significant other to buy me diamond rocks for my ears, but my friends are doing something special just for me. Friends make sure to honor Adrienne-ukah.

-Don't spend the days before your birthday "remembering when". Live for no regrets.

-When strangers tell you Happy Birthday, say thank you graciously. I've been saying "but if I don't have a birthday this year, then I won't get another year older". It just makes them look at me weird. I'm not in the mood for weird looks.

-I've been afraid to search through my hair for gray hair. I had that one, plucked it, it came back (with a vengeance), then I plucked it again. I haven't seen it yet. I bet it shows up on my birthday. What a great gift.

Well, that's it for now. I'm about mused out. And if anything good needs to be added, it can be done later.

Happy Birthday To Me.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...