Saturday, January 06, 2007


well, it's not really bootleg when you pay $13.99 for the download.

I really like BareNaked Ladies. really really really like them. Loved them the 1st time I saw them in B'ham at City Stages. Ranking their Austin concert I saw on 11/11/06 as one of the top best ones I've ever seen.

And I can relive it over & over by listening to my downloaded mp3 of the WHOLE concert. BNL actually has recorded concerts you can download for a small price, and that's pretty nifty. The Austin concert was so fun that I've even contemplated visiting Canada to see another concert, but I'm pretty sure I won't do it. But, BNL, if you just so happen to read this blog, I'll gladly accept travel & concert tix to any glacier city Canuck has to offer.

The possibility of this happening is about the same as my childhood dream that Donny & Marie would accidentally get lost and just so happen need to use my bathroom at my house in San Felipe, TX. Yeah, like they'd get lost off of I-10 and meander down some country dirt road. But a 6 year old can always dream. I'm a little bit country, a little bit rock 'n roll.....

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

seriously.. donny and marie???