Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas Cards

Most of my friends send Christmas cards. A few send picture cards that are family photos. Those are great to get. I even get newsletter cards as well. Also interesting to see what friends have been up to most of the year. Such as an old friend of Joanne's finally got her US citizenship Sept 9, 2006. Gertie lived in Germany during WWII as a young girl and emigrated to the US. I remember one of her stories was that she learned to speak English by watching Sesame Street. (we have something in common, cuz so did I!) Congrats to her.

So every year when I assess my Christmas card list. Which, is in a database that I can export to a mailing label mail merge. I love being organized. I even track who I receive cards from. And I determine who gets cards and who doesn't. Like my Aunt Shirley. She hasn't sent me a card in about 5 years. Maybe more. But I sent her "the last card" if she didn't send me one this year. She's redeemed herself. She sent me a card.

And the cards I get that are pretentious. Like my cousin who always sends me a photo collage of the "best" place she & her husband traveled to. Last year, it was Germany. This year, it was the Galapagos Islands. Don't get me wrong, I am happy they get to have fun & adventure, but I'd prefer a newsletter. The photo collage is a bit impersonal.

And let's not forget the pressure to send out "the perfect Christmas card". It must represent my style & Christmas spirit. This year, I didn't quite get a good photo of Oscar to send out, so I sent out generic Hallmark. Because I care enough to send the very best.

1 comment:

Sweet T said...

you know my rule... if you got married/house purchase/had a baby within 6 months of christmas, you're off the hook. i fall into the getting married one.

but i let you come over and cook for us, so that should make up for it. =) ya think?