Friday, August 17, 2007

Reclaim your Jeans!

Today was an exciting day as I put on a pair of jeans and they actually fit comfortably, without cutting me in half or blocking airflow. I didn’t even have to lie down on the bed to put them on! These jeans I took with me to Ireland and only wore one day because they were too tight and uncomfortable to walk around in.

Today, however, they are chicly covering my hips and thighs modestly without making me feel like sausage casings.

After the medical wake-up call, not a scare, thank-you-God-very-much, I decided that I really needed to do SOMETHING to “get back to me”. You know that girl back in 2004 that was starting to wear a size 6? Had a boyfriend, just bought my home, had no real worries or cares? Well, that’s the girl I’m trying to find again, and it’s been quite a long road getting back to where I am right now today.

Truthfully, a lot of credit goes towards my friends for putting up with me, supporting me, and pretty much ensuring that my daily life didn’t just become completely unraveled.

So, a few weeks ago, I started a program under my chiropractor for metabolic issues, hoping to address my thyroid and blood sugar issues, as well as the weight. I like it so far as it is low-glycemic, and has me consuming 2 shakes a day between meals as snacks. It keeps that hunger from going on that rollercoaster I hate so much.

I lost a few pounds, but not enough to think I was kick-starting the weight loss program in the right direction. So, I decided to re-join Weight Watchers. It’s the same program from back on 2004, so I know it works, I just need to be in the right state of mind mentally to undertake the planning and choices I need to face on a daily basis. Plus, counting, you know NUMBERS, is right up my geeky alley.

My first goal is 10 lbs. My regular doctor sees me back on Sept 10 to check the thyroid blood results since she increased my dosage. I’d like to show her that I AM taking action, and if it’s not 10 lbs I lose within the next 3-4 weeks since I saw her last, then at least more than 5 lbs just to prove it’s not water weight. And then, once the 10 lbs goal is hit, I’m going to take advantage of a birthday present (thanks Steph!) to get a real haircut and style.

Because every girl knows that a haircut is a step towards a new point of view in life.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Truthfully, a lot of credit goes towards my friends...pretty much ensuring that my daily life didn�t just become completely unraveled.

Been there. Done that. Bought the Tshirt. Except mine was called postpartum depression and YOU were part of MY support network. This just happens to be your turn ;)

Congratulations on taking that first step - and even hearty congrats on going public and posting about it all - we're here to cheer you on!