Monday, September 03, 2007

In the Kitchen

I wish I had more time to putz around the kitchen. Most days when I get home from work, I'm not in the mood to make anything, much less clean up after myself. I try to organize my week for food eating on Sunday so that I have options for cooking if I want to or just making something really quick to get me by for the night.

I eat the same thing every day for breakfast. It doesn't waver: Orange juice to take my vitamins, cereal and rice milk, 2 cups of coffee with creamer & Equal. Lunch I have to put some effort into. I need to make sure I can make it for another 3 hours before I get hungry again. And dinner, while it's not usually my biggest meal, I cannot stand to go to bed on a hungry stomach. I used to do that while traveling in my prior life. I'd be so tired when I got to the hotel, I'd have no energy to even go do drive thru. I was staying at Holiday Inn Expresses. No room service, but I sure did rack up enough hotel points for a fun girl week at Myrtle Beach, SC in 2000.

So being on the new healthy living diet, I'm trying to get a little creative so that I don't eat the same thing every day. I can do it for breakfast, just not the rest of my meals.

Today, I made hummus for the 1st time. Pretty easy, pretty tasty, and actually a way to eat some crudites. It just sounds better when you say that instead of carrots and celery. boring.

Other things I make in the kitchen that are quick for me:
Toasted corn tortillas with refried beans and hot sauce.
Popcorn. Real popcorn kernels made on the stove with peanut oil.
Scrambled eggs with corn tortillas & salsa is good for dinner!

But I've also gotten creative with turkey cutlets. I saute them in olive oil on high for 2 mins each side, then cover with chicken broth and sliced veggies. Bring to a boil, then simmer covered for 5 mins. It's pretty darn tasty.

One thing that I've been meaning to do but just never think about it is going to HEB and getting their shrimp which they will steam for you "while you shop". I used to do this in Waco and we'd make shrimp caesar salad. Also, shrimp with red beans & rice is a pretty good one as well. But that one takes planning on my part, which when I'm in HEB on my way home from work, I'm usually trying to get in and out as quick as I can.

So, that's my current culinary concoctions. It's been interesting. And of course, anything you could share that's easy, quick, relatively low caloric intake, is always appreciated.


Steph said...

"...going to HEB and getting their shrimp which they will steam for you "while you shop"."

No. WAY!? Cool. I'll wait for you to try locally before I hit up my HEB seafood guy. They're kinda cranky at the ol' Far West location. :)

I too am on a bit of a loose-the-baby-pudge kick. My big downfall is snacking. I'm a huge fan of Maggie Mason's Siteand she had some great posts a bit ago about meal planning and what she does to ensure she has healthy options "at hand" so she does not make bad food decisions under duress ("Starving. Now. Must have cheeseburger"). One post here and one here Note she also has the same affiniy for the word CRUDITE. :)

I also found this cool snack planner thingy from Whole Foods the other day. It is geared towards kids-after-school-etc, but the healthy snack thing works for types like us too!

Happy meal planning and YAY for you on sticking to some healthy goals!

Steph said...

Okay. Too friggin hilarious that you did NOT call me out on my "LOOSE" grammar error in my post above! Or are you just using tremendous restraint?

Sweartogod I have an eternal block on the use of that word. Accept vs. except, I get. Affect vs. effect, I get. Lose vs loose, I do. not. get.

Anyway - I think I found a way to help me remember the proper usage of LOOSE, via one of the definitions I found on

"Lax, as in bowels".

Yeah. Pretty much got it now.