Sunday, February 17, 2008

Redneck Magnet

conversation at the DFW airport in between flights. The conversation is between me and a young man (early 20s) who was working at a convenience store.

Me: Fine, I walk towards the bottled water section.
YoungMan: as I'm checking out Where's your wedding ring?
Me: I'm too young to get married.
YoungMan: What, you're like 24?
Me: HA! In a prior life maybe.
YoungMan: So where are you from?
Me: Austin.
YoungMan: I've heard that's a cool city. So do they have jobs there?
Me: Well, I think so. I believe there are jobs to be had. What are you looking for?
YoungMan: I'm looking for a welding job. Do they have those?
Me: Awkward moment. How do I answer this? I believe so - surely there should be industrial jobs in Austin...

So how can it be that I always get hit on by the rednecks of the world? They actively seek me out and hit on me. I never get great conversation with guys who are in the white-collar professions. I think it's my neon-lit forehead that says "redneck wanted".

1 comment:

Doggie Bloggie said...

I'm president of that club!!! I alos hold high ranking positions in the "Brotha Wanted" and "oh yeah, did I tell you I'm married" clubs!