Wednesday, July 23, 2008


okay. I give up. I'm not perfect.

This go-around on WW is a little different for me. Instead of trying to be little miss perfect weight watcher, I have had to give up some control. yeah - you read right.

In the past, I'd make everything from scratch, cut up my own vegetables, and make sure I was planned to perfection.

NOW? I bought frozen broccoli to steam in the microwave, already sliced carrots, celery, and mushrooms along with almost homemade Austin-made hummus. I even bought broccoli in cheese sauce "just for one!" to include with a leftover dinner for tomorrow's lunch. Barb & I went halfsies with Studio Kitchen for frozen main meal entrees (thanks for the nutritional value info guys!). It's a new Food Network cooking dramedy: "Adrienne Almost Made It!"

I'm way too busy these days. And if you can't just hand it to me and have it ALMOST ready to eat? forget it. I'm not interested. Even if my stomach is eating my spine.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Now you've made me feel guilty, so I have to go sign up with WW again! Good for you with the weight loss. By the way - Lori got that saying from me.